I think that they are celebrating Singapore national day and as well as celebrating a birthday for the person in the middle. As I can see that they are a lot of participants in the background. And I can see that most of the participants are wearing a cap, with number 30 on it. And most of them are holding a Singapore flag in their hands. So, I think that they are celebrating Singapore’s 30th birthday and there is so many people because they are there to celebrate too. And the person in the middle is holding a cake. So, I think that her birthday in on that day too. That is why, she is celebrating it.
I think that the two people beside the participant in the middle are her family member. So, I think that the person in the middle is very fortunate to have a birthday celebration during Singapore’s national day. And her family members are celebrating it for her. And I can see that she is very elated.
I can see that many people are carrying an umbrella with them. And I think that they are probably sheltering themselves from the direct sunlight as it is very warm.
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